Chemical Descriptors Library: sdf_helper
SDF Helper : sdf

             +           ----- MDL's sdf helper -----       +
             +  usage:                                      +
             +   sdf_helper [options] < infile > outfile    +
             +  options:                                    +
             +   -s [filename] : select mols that match     +
             +                   props of this file. Use    +
             +                   -t to give prop tag        +
             +   -g : print sdf property. Use -t for tag    +
             +   -c : counts the number of mols in the sdf  +
             +   -n [num] : prints mol number               +
             +   -p [num] : prints first [num] mols         +
             +   -t [tag] : tag of the sdf prop             +
             +   -f [num] : print from [num]                +
             +   -a [filename] : attach properties to sdf   +
             +                   (type -x for more help)    +
             +   -x : help for attaching properties         +
             +   -b [tag] : tag to match                    +
             +                                              +
             +  notes:                                      +
             +   1. * (kleene star) is taken as wildcard    +
             +      in the file for props to match          +
             +                                              +
             +                 VJ Sykora                    +

Copyright © Vladimir Sykora & Cyprotex Ltd 2006