Chemical Descriptors Library: multicats
+ ----- multicats v.1.0 ----- +
+ configurable CATS topological pharmacophore +
+ usage: +
+ multicats [options] < infile > outfile +
+ +
+ default behaviour : prints vector +
+ +
+ options: +
+ -p [filename] : print tanimoto distance +
+ from templates in filename +
+ -i [j,n,m,s] : input format +
+ -m [distance] : max topological distance +
+ to consider (default=10) +
+ -d [t,v] : similarity distance func. +
+ -t [types] : atom types to consider +
+ -h : display this help +
+ +
+ + formats: +
+ [j]uice, [m]ol, [s]mile. default : smiles +
+ + distance functions: +
+ [t]animoto, t[v]ersky. default : tanimoto +
+ + atom types : +
+ [d]onor,[a]cceptor,[p]ositively charged, +
+ [n]egatively charged, [l]ipophilic, +
+ a[r]omatic, +
+ Order plays a role. consult file! +
+ default : lpnda . In that order +
+ +
+ +
+ (c) 2004 Vladimir Jose Sykora +
Copyright © Vladimir Sykora & Cyprotex Ltd 2006