Table of contents: Chemical Descriptors Library
- Introduction to the CDL
- Historic Background
- Vision
- Documentation assumptions
- Library organization
- Molecules, atoms and bonds
- Quick tour of the CDL
- Molecular Properties
- Core library
- Basic Concepts
- Juice
- molecule class
- projected_molecule class
- indexed_molecule class
- reduced_molecule type and associated functions
- Free functions and algorithms
- Graph algorithms
- Ullmann algorithm for subgraph isomorphism
- Figueras algorithm for the calculation of the Smallest Set of Smallest Rings (SSSR)
- Maximum common edge subgraph
- For the molecule
- get_chiral_centers
- search_substructure
- add_cdl_implicit_H
- remove_hydrogens
- remove_cdl_implicit_hydrogens
- make_distance_matrix
- make_adjacency_matrix
- number_of_terminal_atoms
- number_non_h_atoms
- get_terminal_vertices
- count_atoms
- For the atoms
- valence_vertex_degree
- z_delta_num
- principal_quantum_num
- is_cdl_implicit_H
- num_implicit_hydrogens
- num_explicit_hydrogens
- num_hydrogens
- Function objects (Functors)
- For the molecule
- for_each_atom
- accumulate_atoms
- num_atoms
- num_bonds
- vertex_property_equals
- adjacent_vertices_property_equals
- is_vertex_ring_member
- For the atoms
- accumulate_atomic_prop
- accumulate_atomic_prop_if
- is_cdl_implicit_H_pred
- exclude_h_atom_filter
- preserve_selected_vertices
- exclude_implicit_h_filter
- For the bonds
- sum_bonds
- exclude_h_bond_filter
- preserve_selected_edges
- exclude_implicit_h_bond_filter
- Client algorithms
- Molecular parsers
- Fingerprints
- Substructure search
- SMARTS language
- CDL Chemical Algebra
- Topological Pharmacophores
- Descriptors
- Atom Types Fingerprints
- Error handling
- Includes
- FAQs
- Style guide and programming policies
- Building the CDL
- Licence
- References
- Acknowledgements
- Call CDL functions and objects from ORACLE
Clients executables that provide CDL functionality :
- Nails
- sdf_helper
- multicats
- rdf_helper
- smarts
Applications :
- Miscellaneous
- Fragments and pKa
Other morpho libraries :
- Neural Networks Template Library
- Support Vector Machines Template Library
Copyright © Molplex Ltd. and Vladimir Sykora 2003 - 2010