Chemical Descriptors Library: Library Organization
Library Organization

The CDL is part of a larger library: the morpho library.
The morpho library contains other libraries useful to use in conjuntion with the CDL. These includes the Neural Networks Template Library (NNTL), the Support Vector Machines Template Library (SVMTL) and the Physical Units Template Library (PUL). Also, common code is comprehensively organized to reduced code duplication.

The morpho library source code folders' structure is shown in Figure 1.

          |-----> CDL
          |-----> NNTL
          |-----> SVMTL
          |-----> PUL
          |-----> ... common code ...
          |-----> ...

Figure 1. morpho library source code folders' structure.

Figure 1 shows the folder structure for the source code.
The library's folders then are subdivided into source code and documentation, and then further into libraries and clients. Figure 2 shows a diagram about the structure of the whole morpho library:

                                   |--- binaries : where the compiled executables reside
                                   |--- nails : client code for specific functionality
                                   |--- ... client code for specific functionality ...
          |-----> clients ---------|
          |                        |--- ...
morpho----|                                                           |-- CDL
          |                                                           |-- NNTL
          |                        |----- libs (docs and examples) ---|-- SVM
          |                        |                                  |
          |                        |                                  |-- ...
          |-----> libraries -------|
                                   |                                        |-- CDL
                                   |----- morpho (source code: Figure 1) ---|-- NNTL
                                                                            |-- ...
Figure 2. morpho library folders' structure.

Copyright © Vladimir Sykora 2006