template <class UblasMatrix> size_t vertex_distance_degree(const UblasMatrix& dist_matrix, size_t vrtx);
Argument | Model of |
dist_matrix | supports operator(i,j) to access the elements of the matrix |
vertex | size_t |
// suppose you're streaming a mol format from the stdin: typedef desc_molecular_properties<> desc_mol_props_t; typedef boost::property<mol_propsS, molecular_properties<>, boost::property<descriptors_mol_propsS, desc_mol_props_t> > descr_props_t; typedef molecule<double,descr_props_t> M; morpho::cdl::nail_juice<M> j; morpho::cdl::get_juice_from_stream(std::cin, j, 0, sdf_formatT()); M mol(j); std::cout << "vertex distance degree of first atom "; std::cout << vertex_distance_degree(MolProperty<distance_matrixS,M>::get(mol), *mol.vertices().first) << '\n';