Superdentic index
Descriptor Category : topological
c++ entity: functor
Molecular descriptor derived from the h-depleted molecular graph and proposed
to enhance the role of terminal vertices in QSAR and QSPR studies [Gupta, et al.]
It is calculated from the pendent matrix, which is a submatrix of the distance matrix with A rows and a
number m of columns corresponding to the
number of terminal vertices. The index is calculated as the square root of the
sum of the products of the non-cero row elements (the topological distances d)
in the pendent matrix.
Equation 1: Superdentic index.
template <class Molecule>
struct superpendentic_index : std::unary_function<Molecule,typename Molecule::calc_type> {
result_type operator()(const Molecule& m);
Where defined
Inherits from
std::unary_function<Molecule,typename Molecule::calc_type>
Argument | Model of |
Molecule |
cdl::molecule |
// suppose you're streaming a mol format from the stdin:
typedef desc_molecular_properties<> desc_mol_props_t;
typedef boost::property<mol_propsS, molecular_properties<>,
boost::property<descriptors_mol_propsS, desc_mol_props_t> > descr_props_t;
typedef molecule<double,descr_props_t> M;
morpho::cdl::nail_juice<M> j;
morpho::cdl::get_juice_from_stream(std::cin, j, 0, sdf_formatT());
M mol(j);
morpho::cdl::superpendentic_index<M> SI;
std::cout << "Superdentic index of my mol: ";
std::cout << SI(mol) << '\n';
Related Items
- Gupta, S.; Sing, M., Madan, A.K. "Superdentic Index: A novel topological
descriptor for predicting biological activity". J.Chem.Inf.Comp.Sci. 39. 272-277. 1999.
- Todeschini, R.; Consonni, V. "Handbook of Molecular Descriptors". Wiley-VCH,
Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry. Volume 11. 2000.
Copyright (c) Vladimir Josef Sykora and Morphochem AG 2003