Gavezzotti radii
Descriptor Category : properties
c++ entity: member
Van der Waals radii proposed by Gavezzotti. He proposes that a molecule or
fragment volumen can be described by a set of vectors Si, connecting the
atomic nuclei to a chosen origin, and a set of radii Ri (one for each atomic
species), each of one defines a sphere around each nucleus i.
Where defined
Inherits from
Is part of the morpho/atomic_properties properties.
morpho::atomic_props::atomic_properties<> const *
hydrogen = morpho::atomic_props::atom<>::get_props( "H" );
std::cout << "Gavezzotti radii for the Hydrogen atom : ";
std::cout << hydrogen.gavezzotti_radii << '\n';
Related Items
Bondii radii
Gavezzotti radii
- Gavezzotti, A. "The calculation of molecular volumes and the use of
volume analysis in the investigation of structured media and solid-state
organic reactivity". J.Am.Chem.Soc., 105. 5220-5225.
- Todeschini, R.; Consonni, V. "Handbook of Molecular Descriptors". Wiley-VCH,
Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry. Volume 11. 2000.
Copyright (c) Vladimir Josef Sykora and Morphochem AG 2003