
Short definitions

Constitutional descriptors
Topological descriptors
BCUT descriptors
Charge descriptors

Constitutional descriptors

The most simple and commmon descriptors, reflecting the molecular composition of a compuond without any information on its molecular geometry.
Examples of constitutional descriptors are number of atoms, number of bonds, number of specific atom types, molecular weight, etc.

Topological descriptors

Descriptors that provide information on the 2d molecular geometry of a compound.
Between the most common topological descriptors are the Wiener index, the information index on size, etc.

BCUT descriptors

Descriptors represented by the eigenvalues of a square symmetric matrix that provides information on the molecular graph.


Molecular descriptors based on the autocorrelation function ACf defined as:


Equation 1:Autocorrelation function


where f(x) is any function of the variable x, and lambda is the lag representing and interval of x; a and b define the whole studied interval of the function.
For spacial autocorrelations molecular descriptors calculated on a molecular graph, the lag lambda is defined as the topological distance.

Charge descriptors

Descriptors that describe the electronic aspect of both the complete molecule, and of particular regions.
Electrical charges in the molecule are the driving force of electrostatic interactions, and it is well known that local electron densities or charges play a fundamental role in many chemical reactions, physico-chemical properties and receptor-ligand binding affinity.
Copyright (c) Vladimir Josef Sykora and Morphochem AG 2003